…box, copy and paste our room ids below and then join them. #DEGeneral:halogen.city #DERandom:halogen.city #DEJokes:halogen.city #DEMusic:halogen.city #DEConspiracy:halogen.city #DETechnology:halogen.city #DEAnnouncements:halogen.city #DEVideos:halogen.city Room IDs are also listed in the description of each…
Search Results for: conspiracy
…discussion isn’t meant to imply a grand conspiracy with central authority or control. Quite the contrary. In so far as as people are Crypto-calvinists today, it is a matter of mass…
…#DEReligion:matrix.org Conspiracy: Hyperlink: https://matrix.to/#/!XpDyYTreeTvKxJYPro:matrix.org?via=matrix.orgAlias: #DEconspiracy:matrix.org music: Hyperlink: https://matrix.to/#/!sqyvbcDXhzvZPYJVOv:matrix.org?via=matrix.org Alias: #DEMusic:matrix.org Science and technology: Hyperlink: https://matrix.to/#/!jJCmLblwyeokZszrEW:matrix.org?via=matrix.org Alias: #DESciencetechnology:matrix.org Jokes: Hyperlink https://matrix.to/#/!rOBpmKKRuBbNKZjXZt:matrix.org?via=matrix.org Alias: #DEJokes:matrix.org Who are smarter: Men or women? Find this…
…of the harm and mixes them in with a pool of already existing people who have issues for reasons unrelated to vaccines. Were I a conspiracy theorist, I might even…
…societies, which would also increase the potency of central banks running negative rates. I am extremely loathe to call conspiracy, but it is hard to read this and not seriously…
…is painted white. This my friend is a white devil’s conspiracy.” This is so absurd that you can’t help but laugh. Unfortunately, it isn’t too far off from the paranoia…
…inevitable. Keep in mind that all of this discussion isn’t meant to imply a grand conspiracy with central authority or control. Quite the contrary. In so far as as people…
…simply a relic of religious prejudice and a symbol of oppression. Part of the problem that allowed such frivolous conspiracy theories to spread was a lack of a comprehensive and…
Why is it always the Jews? I don’t mean why do Jews use their special mind control ray to destroy the world for some plot. I mean the topic of…
https://twitter.com/FBIRecordsVault/status/1187790941215584256 This is a case reminiscent of both Epstein’s first arrest, as well as other examples like Pizzagate, Franklin, Nebraska and the Detroux case in Belgium where evidence of a…
[Edit: also check out this post for additional videos and a timeline] There is a lot of videos coming out about the shooting. I don’t know the full extent of…
The material and imagery in this post is disturbing and graphic. Be prepared. Before continuing, watch these skits with Will Ferrell and Eric Wareheim that aired on the “Tim and…
So, over time I have found a number of very strange things and claims hosted at cia.gov. Most were released as a result of FOIA orders. Here is a list…
Source. When I was an SJW Leftist I experienced a feeling a perverse glee at the deaths of Antonin Scalia, Andrew Breitbart, and others. Leftism creates a sort of bloodlust…
The sublimely autistic people at 4chan, despite their sometimes crass humor, continue to do the world a great service by revealing the darkness among the cultural and political “elites.” Pizzagate was the…