Discussing different human groups, whether male vs. female or different races, can often lead to great frustration because there are bad things that are also very true about many groups. On…
Search Results for: conspiracy
Original source. The FBI raided Project Veritas on a pretext and is now leaking their privileged communications to the New York Times…PV is currently in litigation with the New York…
From Revolver.news. Most Americans do not realize the full extent to which a racially based spoils system is fundamentally embedded in American economic life. They know about affirmative action in…
Last June, my primary moderator account, /u/atavisionary, on /r/darkenlightenment was purged from reddit permanently for sharing links to the Project Veritas‘ expose on pinterest showing they were using their porn…
(((Cohen))), unsurprisingly, is a bit of a leftist twat. And often just disgusting for the sake of being disgusting. The nude hotel scene in Borat comes to mind. However, even…
Pizzagate is real. From user Mattswhatisthis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=O13G5A5w5P0 Unrelated (maybe), but I came across the post image at about the same time so I decided to include it. It is apparently…
I know this is an odd post topic, but I was just made aware of the somewhat dark undertones present in the theme song for this old children’s show. It…
[Edit: at the bottom of the page are links to a twitter account claiming responsibility, with screenshots, for the ddos attacks. This group is apparently attacking many, many sites on…
So in my recent post, I went over google’s new and extreme policy of censorship. I suggested that everyone install the adnauseam adblocker because it blocks ads, obviously, but also…
WM Briggs recently put out a post in which he describes a new spirit cooking inspired video by Katy Perry called bon appetite. The video itself is quite disturbing and involves…
You can listen to the interview on Amerika.org. You may remember that I previously covered how Jared Taylor’s video on racial differences in intelligence was one of the first to…
I predicted in my last post that the unbelievable censorship initiated by google and other internet companies, which is ostensibly about the alt-right, would end up targeting pizzagate related pages…
Today google set up a system where they do everything they can to minimize the ability to share content, short of deleting it, which is not sufficiently progressive. This extraordinary measure…
[Image Source] Steve Sailer recently wrote an obituary for Henry Harpinding; a rare anthropologist who was open to the idea that genetics may play a role in racial differences. In…
The response to 4GW is 5GW – warfare by psyop, utilizing misinformation and sentiment engineering. Its characteristic weapons platform is the social network. Where 4GW seeks to use the enemy’s…