[Here is an old interview I did with Aurini on gender differences in intelligence] Aurini has written an article discussing conspiracies. Like myself, and Anonymous Conservative, reasonable appraisal of time and events has led to the consideration that many things that happen, or at least the tall tales we are…
Category: civilization
For the TL;DR crowd, AC’s regular commenter farcesensitive provided a succinct summary in response to the comment I made which this post is adapted from: Stupid people are Amoral to some extent.Intelligent people are either moral or IMmoral.Cabal finds people who are amoral enough to be just as useful as…
Another article suggested by the American sun. Here is the original article. I suspect we are currently witnessing the catastrophic end of this metaphysical power of legitimacy that has shielded the managerial ruling class for decades. Anyone even briefly familiar with the historical record knows just how much of a…
[Please support this site by buying a copy of “Smart and Sexy.” The definitive guide to gender differences in intelligence] Or at least, its the closest to a real-world example I have heard of. The all-white town called Orania in South Africa is doing pretty well. Its population has doubled…
The following is an excerpt from the book Smart and SeXy by Roderick Kaine. For additional excerpts and reviews please see this page. Please see “women and the university” for a related discussion on female educational choices. “Vanity Marketing: for women only” is a good discussion on female susceptibility to…
This is easily one of the most disturbing (cultural) things I have read recently and really speaks to how fast things seem to be accelerating towards oblivion. If you don’t know, James Watson, with Francis Crick, discovered the structure of the DNA molecule back in 1953. It would be difficult…
An article came out in the Washington post on a recent supreme court decision to strike down part of the federal law which bans gambling on sports. The law banned gambling everywhere except in Nevada because I guess there was already a large business for it in Las Vegas and…
16 years after the first Connections series came out, James Burke came back with a follow-up in 1994 and includes references to the additional technological advances in that time frame. The content is largely similar but this one has a format of 20 half an hour episodes rather than 10…
A short time ago I remember glancing at an article which mentioned the name Aesop. Odd name I thought but didn’t think much more about it. A couple of days ago I had a dream which repeated the phrase “mosap’s fables” repeatedly. Mosap appears to be some proposed lunar roving vehicle from…
Click here for a link list of Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation series as well as James Burke’s connections 1. The day the universe changed is also created by James Burke and follows a similar style as that documentary. In this one, though, it tends to focus on how the development of…
In my last post, I embedded videos for all thirteen parts of Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation series. A great documentary. Its focus was on changes in art, philosophy, and architecture in the west over time since the middle ages. In this post, I provide a link list to the 10 episodes of…
The British and American spelling of civilization is different… Anyway, when I first started /r/darkenlightenment a few years ago one of the earlier posts I made was a youtube link compilation of the thirteen episodes of Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation series. Civilisation focuses on the changes in Western philosophy, art, and…
Great speech from Mr. Hoppe on libertarianism and the alt-right. Also, get his book. It’s quite good:
Recently Buzzfeed released an article in which they claimed to have access to many of Milo Yiannopolous’ emails, some of which they published. I am not sure why they wouldn’t make the whole cache available unless their intention is to only release out of context discussions which emphasize making Milo…
Why is it always the Jews? I don’t mean why do Jews use their special mind control ray to destroy the world for some plot. I mean the topic of Jews always seems to provoke strong emotions and exaggerated hyperbole in forums. That particular topic seems to be the most…