The book has been out since 2016 to generally positive reviews. Most people who have read it, have liked it. The book represents years of research and provides an account of sex differences in intelligence that can’t be found anywhere else. In short, progressivism prevents most candid discussion of these…
I won’t lie, I am pretty surprised that this 4b thing picked up all of sudden. This is because a Korean anonymous poster made a bunch of posts about it back in 2016 and I never really expected to hear about it again. It was apparently involved with a weird…
This was an interesting article when it came out. This post is mainly a reminder to myself so I can find it if I want to refer back to it again in the future since it got deleted. Firstly, why the hell am I writing ‘this’? There have been countless attempts in…
I more or less got my start in alternative right activities through red pill topics back between 2008 and 2010. I have more or less moved on since I have heard most of what’s interesting to say in in that realm. However, I do like to occasionally check the pulse…
Amazon ads stopped providing images for their products, including the books on the sidebar. I don’t know why and took awhile to getting around to fixing that, but am almost done now. I noticed when doing this fix that the two books “The 4 Generations of Modern Warfare” and “4th…
Worthwhile discussion. Some highlights include string theorists gatekeeping physics with nonsense probably to prevent easy access to weapons development. Stifling dissent through character assassination as standard practice. Media creation burnout. Not an endorsement of all opinions.
Having occasion to do much driving recently, upon a recommendation I listened to this as an audiobook. For those who prefer brevity I will answer the question “Was this book good?” No. I doubt this is very surprising to anyone who would come to my site, and not to me…
I started this commentary back in 2018, and for whatever reason got sidetracked and didn’t finish it despite being almost done. Doing some spring cleaning on the site, I rediscovered the draft and have finished. It is still pretty much just as relevant since the same things continue to happen…
[Here is an old interview I did with Aurini on gender differences in intelligence] Aurini has written an article discussing conspiracies. Like myself, and Anonymous Conservative, reasonable appraisal of time and events has led to the consideration that many things that happen, or at least the tall tales we are…
This is a graphic from my book “Smart and Sexy” which details and provides the evidence for X linked inheritance of intelligence. Available free at the link. It is a succinct way of showing how intelligence can be expected to be expressed through 4 generations of a family line. A…
For the TL;DR crowd, AC’s regular commenter farcesensitive provided a succinct summary in response to the comment I made which this post is adapted from: Stupid people are Amoral to some extent.Intelligent people are either moral or IMmoral.Cabal finds people who are amoral enough to be just as useful as…
Original source. The FBI raided Project Veritas on a pretext and is now leaking their privileged communications to the New York Times…PV is currently in litigation with the New York Times [which] makes it all the more appalling that the NYT would be publishing Veritas’ privileged communications. The premise for…
@parallaxoptics is a neoreactionary twitter account and artist posting high quality reactionary and dissident right adjacent art and media. And probably some dissident meme stuff that gains a cult popularity as well. He has been around for a while, and has produced some good content. His video AnarchoTyranny is very…
[Yes, the above image is a real community of degenerates pretending to have the moral high ground.] I actually don’t go to reddit anymore, but I will see things happening from the chans or other places from time to time when they get posted about. This seemed interesting enough to…
From Scott Alexanders new blog. Yesterday the FDA approved aducanumab, an anti-amyloid antibody developed by Biogen, for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. This was based on post hoc interpretation of clinical trials that were stopped early due to futility, and against the strong recommendation of the FDA’s own advisory committee. Aducanumab will be…
Another article suggested by the American sun. Here is the original article. I suspect we are currently witnessing the catastrophic end of this metaphysical power of legitimacy that has shielded the managerial ruling class for decades. Anyone even briefly familiar with the historical record knows just how much of a…