Moldbug’s Onion

Moldbug’s Onion

As most of you who follow the dissident right and especially neoreaction know, Moldbug has returned to the public spotlight in the last year with several interview podcasts as well as new writing at the American mind. I have noticed some people commenting critically about Curtis Yarvin getting very emotional…

Epstein’s ties to Harvard

Epstein’s ties to Harvard

An article came out from the Boston globe discussing professional blackmailer and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s association with Cathedral Epicenter Harvard. Jeffrey Epstein’s millions earned him special treatment at Harvard: He had a personal office among university researchers, a dedicated phone line, an unusual visiting fellowship position, and the backing of…

Free book: Smart and Sexy: the evolutionary origins and biological underpinnings of cognitive differences between the sexes

Free book: Smart and Sexy: the evolutionary origins and biological underpinnings of cognitive differences between the sexes

The book has been out since 2016 to generally positive reviews. Most people who have read it, have liked it. The book represents years of research and provides an account of sex differences in intelligence that can’t be found anywhere else. In short, progressivism prevents most candid discussion of these…