[Yes, the above image is a real community of degenerates pretending to have the moral high ground.] I actually don’t go to reddit anymore, but I will see things happening from the chans or other places from time to time when they get posted about. This seemed interesting enough to…
Category: absurdity
I have gone to the store twice in the last month, and both times they were completely out of toilet paper. Not that it matters much, since we had a fair supply even before people started to panic. I get why people would hoard food, or face masks, or hand…
This is easily one of the most disturbing (cultural) things I have read recently and really speaks to how fast things seem to be accelerating towards oblivion. If you don’t know, James Watson, with Francis Crick, discovered the structure of the DNA molecule back in 1953. It would be difficult…
A new article came out analyzing the contrast between leftists and rightist perceptions of different fields of science. Unsurprisingly, people who tend conservative tend to view fields of “science” populated overwhelmingly with rabid social justice leftists as unscientific. I have written about this before, and have an expanded version of…
I recently came across a report on a series of studies which attempted to see how people handle a task where they are instructed to have no external distractions and to entertain themselves only using their own thought (Titled “Just think: the challenges of the disengaged mind”). A disclaimer: Many social…
A short time ago I remember glancing at an article which mentioned the name Aesop. Odd name I thought but didn’t think much more about it. A couple of days ago I had a dream which repeated the phrase “mosap’s fables” repeatedly. Mosap appears to be some proposed lunar roving vehicle from…
We all know that Google, like other tech companies, is very converged by leftists and SJWs and I have suggested ways to limit the amount of ad revenue the company can get from you by installing an ad blocker. The recent James Damore incident was merely one more checked box for the…
The following is a video of a severely disabled person “performing” karate. You can see him “fight” the other people and them intentionally taking dives around 2:50. This guy has no arms and no legs. Just underdeveloped feet and hands on stubs. I am not trying to say that to…