As I mentioned in my first polarity shift post, switching the targets in a leftist propaganda piece very easily demonstrates how utterly contemptible these people really are in terms they might be able to understand. Though that may be giving them too much credit. The Transcript below is an artistic re-imagining of the recent MTV video called “2017 New Year’s resolutions for white guys.” I call it “2017 New Year’s resolutions for Jews.”
Hey fellow Jews!
Its about to be a new year and there is a few things you could do a little bit better in 2017.
First off, try to recognize that America was never great for anyone who wasn’t a Jewish financier, slave trader or film producer.
Can we all just agree that White lives matter isn’t the opposite of all lives matter? White lives just matter. There is no need to over-complicate it.
Also, “black lives matter” isn’t a thing. Blacks were born with a low IQ and proneness to criminality, right? I mean, ya! They weren’t born law-abiding!
Stop bragging about being Jewish. Stop saying “anti-semitism.” Learn what Jew-splainin’ is, and then stop doing it.
Oh and if you are a Jewish judge, don’t prioritize the well-being of a black athlete over the white woman he assaulted.
We all love @Jew_GoldStein and ya, he’s Jewish so of course he cares about Jewish questions. I am talking to you Kurt Eichenwald.
Feel free to take Glenn Beck though, you can have him. You know what you did, Glenn.
Nobody who has white friends says that they have white friends. Just because you have white friends, doesn’t mean you aren’t anti-white. You can be anti-white with white friends!
Look Jews, we know nobody is perfect, but honestly, you can do a little better in 2017. Some of you Jews do awful finance, propaganda, and pedophilia. Some of you don’t. Please, because 2016 is bad. 2017 can’t be worse than this, alright, cause this is bad.
See how infuriating this sort of rhetoric can be leftists? This is why people hate you so much. Actually, it is hardly the only reason but it is a very important one. Also, 2017 is going to be much, much worse for you putrid fucks.
[EDIT For clarity, the following is actually a Joke as part of this fake propaganda article. There is no Zally Goldberg. The enterprising troll would likely leave this admission out when trolling leftists.]
The original video was apparently produced by the following disgusting woman named (((Zally Goldberg))). I didn’t think much could be more disgusting than the video, but her personal appearance takes the cake. And as if she weren’t ugly enough herself, she is also wearing a horrendously ugly “fuck white people” suit.
Zally Goldberg is fake news http://10and5.com/2016/08/18/creative-womxn-dean-hutton-on-using-love-to-disrupt-starting-with-the-self/
Thanks for the link, I already mentioned this in the post though. The reason I included it is because this was meant to be a fake news/propaganda post. The only difference is I wasn’t trying to trick anyone about what it was.