The following list of studies are used on this site for educational purposes in the context of cultural and biological discussions had on
Politics, government, social dynamics and culture:
- The vacuity of post-modern discourse
- Did women’s suffrage change the size and scope of government?
- How dramatically did women’s suffrage change the size and scope of government?
- Rational ignorance versus rational irrationality
- In praise of passivity
- Marriage and Career: The Dynamic Decisions of Young Men
- Premarital sex, premarital cohabitation and the risk of subsequent marital dissolution among women
Intelligence, psychology, and psychometrics:
- Sex Differences in mental test scores, variability and numbers of high scoring individuals
- Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability
- The Validity and Utility of Selection Methods in Personnel Psychology
- Intelligence in Chimpanzees is Heritable
- Intelligence: Genetics, Genes, and Genomics
- Sex differences on g and non-g intellectual performance reveal potential sources of STEM discrepancies
- The impact of low, average and high IQ on economic growth and technological progress
- Stereotype Threat: A case of overclaim syndrome?
- Sources of human psychological differences
- Why the unskilled are unaware: Further explorations of (absent) self-insight among the incompetent
- Sex differences in mental abilities: g masks the dimensions on which they lie
- Heritability of Interests: A Twin Study
- Size Matters: A review and new analysis of racial differences in cranial capacity and intelligence
Evolution, genetics, and natural selection:
- The Decay of Western Civilisation: Double Relaxed Darwinian Selection
- Natural selection favors wealth in men
- Emergenesis: Genetic Traits that may not run in families
- Meiosis
- Human Biological and Psychological Diversity
- Three laws of behavior genetics and what they mean
- Human genetic diversity: Lewontin’s fallacy (see also: Wikipedia in action on race)
- Genetic similarities within and between human populations