For the TL;DR crowd, AC’s regular commenter farcesensitive provided a succinct summary in response to the comment I made which this post is adapted from: Stupid people are Amoral to some extent.Intelligent people are either moral or IMmoral.Cabal finds people who are amoral enough to be just as useful as…
Category: anarcho-tyranny
Original source. The FBI raided Project Veritas on a pretext and is now leaking their privileged communications to the New York Times…PV is currently in litigation with the New York Times [which] makes it all the more appalling that the NYT would be publishing Veritas’ privileged communications. The premise for…
@parallaxoptics is a neoreactionary twitter account and artist posting high quality reactionary and dissident right adjacent art and media. And probably some dissident meme stuff that gains a cult popularity as well. He has been around for a while, and has produced some good content. His video AnarchoTyranny is very…
[Yes, the above image is a real community of degenerates pretending to have the moral high ground.] I actually don’t go to reddit anymore, but I will see things happening from the chans or other places from time to time when they get posted about. This seemed interesting enough to…
Another article suggested by the American sun. Here is the original article. I suspect we are currently witnessing the catastrophic end of this metaphysical power of legitimacy that has shielded the managerial ruling class for decades. Anyone even briefly familiar with the historical record knows just how much of a…
Original location here, apparently its a teaser for a special issue of psych coming out later this year. I am excited. It basically details how he got into doing this research, and the challenges presented by insane cathedralists who hate truth. Mild mannered researchers getting attacked, heckled and intimidated was…
A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of Its Members and Leaders. Edited by George T. Shaw and Daniel Friberg. Arktos Media Ltd. May 9, 2018. A Fair Hearing is an anthology of prominent alt-right (or more generally dissident right) thinkers and writers. It was produced to give a fair overview…
Before gamergate was a thing, I wrote an article on how the Mass Effect series got progressively worse because of typical prig prog antics. Given that most gamers are apolitical and generally dislike preachy politics being added to their games, it isn’t obvious why game companies would be so willing to…
[Edit: at the bottom of the page are links to a twitter account claiming responsibility, with screenshots, for the ddos attacks. This group is apparently attacking many, many sites on the dissident right] has been down for over two weeks thanks to a campaign by a social justice organization…
We all know that Google, like other tech companies, is very converged by leftists and SJWs and I have suggested ways to limit the amount of ad revenue the company can get from you by installing an ad blocker. The recent James Damore incident was merely one more checked box for the…
After the shooting in Las Vegas I made a post which compiled a lot of different videos and testimony about the shooting which strongly suggested that there was more than one shooter. The idea that an old drunk and gambler suddenly went lone gunman can’t really be believed given the…
Original article here. A new study reveals that nearly 70 percent of all the murders in the United States take place in 5 percent of the nation’s counties – and more than half of all homicides occur in just 2 percent of its counties. In 2014 – the most recent…
[Edit: also check out this post for additional videos and a timeline] There is a lot of videos coming out about the shooting. I don’t know the full extent of what happened, but I can say that the following video compellingly suggests there was more than one shooter. There are…
You can listen to the interview on You may remember that I previously covered how Jared Taylor’s video on racial differences in intelligence was one of the first to get the isolation treatment by Google’s new war against crimethink. We discuss this and other issues going on in the altright.…