Today google set up a system where they do everything they can to minimize the ability to share content, short of deleting it, which is not sufficiently progressive. This extraordinary measure is coming right after the whole James Damore fiasco. Here is a video which explains the details (thanks /u/PowerVitamin for the…
Category: anarcho-tyranny
There was recently an alt-right rally and I suppose I should comment. Someone died after all. [update: It appears the person who died did so of a heart attack rather than being hit] Well, that is unfortunate. For some reason, a young guy decided to drive through a crowd of Antifa violent thugs…
Richard Spencer gave a speech at Texas A&M university yesterday, which I am sure many of you have heard about. I live within several hours of A&M so it was a good opportunity for me to both see Spencer and a Shitlib rally in real life. I invited Brett Stevens…
Recently, BuzzFeed attempted to generate a fake scandal about a home improvement television show. (Which also happens to be my mom’s favorite show, which we will come back to later). Basically, Joanna and Chip Gaines are a couple who fix up crappy houses for clients. They are believing Christians and…
Yesterday there was a “Nazi” shooter in Houston. The same day as the presidential debate. Within a couple of weeks of the alternative right being denounced by one of the candidates in which one candidate tried to smear it as being Nazi. At this time there was a major escalation…
A quick post for today. Hillary’s health has been a topic of some controversy over the last few weeks and wikileaks recently released an email showing research by Clinton staff into a drug used for parkinson’s disease. I suppose that could be a likely explanation for some of the odd…
Being a good Samaritan only makes sense in high trust societies. And the only societies capable of supporting that high level of trust are those composed primarily of ethnic Europeans. Asians may have this to some degree as well, although I don’t think they reach a level anywhere close to…
A user on my subreddit sent me a private message claiming to be a Dallas city employee (he didn’t say what he did, but I assume he/she was a fire fighter based on the memo I was sent). I was told that about a month before the current shootings, a…
Recently Jim wrote about the future president of the Philippines, affectionately known as Duerte Harry because of a slight similarity of his last name to the first name in the movie dirty harry as well as his similar approach to crime as the title character. Namely that the only good…