After the shooting in Las Vegas I made a post which compiled a lot of different videos and testimony about the shooting which strongly suggested that there was more than one shooter. The idea that an old drunk and gambler suddenly went lone gunman can’t really be believed given the data.
Recently, a theory was posted on 4chan which suggests that the public shooting was meant to be a distraction while an assassination attempt against Crown prince of Saudi Arabia Mahammed bin Salman was killed. The would-be assassins being other power brokers in Saudi politics and business. The attempt was apparently foiled either through swift action or dumb luck that Salman had disguised himself as a nobody and gone to a different casino. The reason the top of the Mandalay bay was chosen would have been because Salman owns the 4 seasons which occupies the top floors and was staying there at the time. Here is the theory as explained on 4chan [imgur copy link]:

The VIP video mentioned in the post can be seen below [EDIT, the original video was taken down. This guy shows it here and discusses that this guy may have been a security guard named Jason buff called in while off duty who happened to look a lot like Bin Salman]:
I found the following comparison image of Salman with the above VIP here. I am rather unfamiliar with this website or how reliable they are in general, but the comparison picture is worth sharing. You can read their whole article for more of their details.

Now this might be pretty dismissible as a crazy conspiracy theory, but you have to admit it is more than a little coincidental that a little over a month after this possible assassination attempt, the Salman faction orchestrates an unprecedented purge of their political rivals. Seizing what might be hundreds of billions worth of assets. It really makes you think.
Great theory…..but STILL doesn’t explain who had the 7.62 belt-fed M240B/M60 weapon, BECAUSE IT WAS NOT A 5.56 REPORT HEARD IN THE ORIGINAL VIDEOS.
Sorry, but THAT is fact.
Recording? Played through the speakers? Quite a few concert-goers were standing up, saying “THAT’S A RECORDING COMING THROUGH THE SPEAKERS!” Regardless, it was NOT a 5.56
Finally, “58 innocents killed”
Especially now, since the Coroner’s Office won’t release names or reports, nor ballistics, and has even gone so far as to refuse a Court Order to do so.
Sorry, Anonymous; Close….but no cigar. Someone went to an awful lot of trouble to stage a False Flag event – so far even as posting and hiring Crisis Actors on Craigslist.
~ Occams
Anyone that has infantry training can tell you that was NOT an AR-15 5.56. From the tempo and the sound of the shots that was a belt fed machine gun shooting 7.62.
This is complete bullshit. If someone wanted to kill the prince and could not find him, why would they spray the crowd outside with machine guns and call attention to themselves, blowing the whole operation? This bogus lead -IS- the “distraction” – It distracts you from the real perpetrators — the deep state criminals who brought you 9/11.
U.S. consulate whistleblower: 9-11 hijackers passports were issued by the CIA
“It looks like a planned coup by the national security state.”
Visas for terrorists
The ‘Visas Express’ program allowed visas to be given automatically without interviews or background checks. The program was introduced ONLY in Saudi Arabia. No other such privilege has ever been extended to any allies of the United States.
> Now this might be pretty dismissible as a crazy conspiracy theory
No, it’s dismissible as disinformation planted by the military/intelligence psy-ops guys. This disinformation only appeared AFTER Salman created the anti-corruption committee, which was well after the vegas massacre. What appeared BEFORE the massacre is much harder to dismiss:
> It really makes you think.
If only that were true…
> Quite a few concert-goers were standing up, saying “THAT’S A RECORDING COMING THROUGH THE SPEAKERS!”
Calling bullshit on this. It was only Aldean who said that — and he only believed it for a few seconds before he ran off the stage. Here is the proof:
After watching countless hours of video and listening to the testimony of a hundred witnesses, I have not found anyone who believes the shooting was not real. They started leaving center field BEFORE the machine gun fire began, because a sniper hit several people there and it caused a panic. They did not run because they heard sound from the speakers, fool — they were already running by that point. Here is the proof:
> Someone went to an awful lot of trouble to stage a False Flag event
A false flag event in which real people died.
> so far even as posting and hiring Crisis Actors on Craigslist.
To confuse idiots like you — which divides and discredits the truth movement.
One of the books of Random Skies by Jim Cheshire called ‘Rishek’ puts together a scenario that is very like the Vegas shooting. It explains why and how an event like this could happen. Conclusion: it wasn’t a lone nut.