[Here is an old interview I did with Aurini on gender differences in intelligence] Aurini has written an article discussing conspiracies. Like myself, and Anonymous Conservative, reasonable appraisal of time and events has led to the consideration that many things that happen, or at least the tall tales we are…
Tag: conspiracy
The TL;DR is no, he isn’t crazy. Or at least, the “wildest” of his claims about rampant blackmail of the “elite” using pederasty and ritual child murder is not crazy. I don’t know enough about him to say he isn’t crazy for some other reason, but there isn’t anything crazy…
This is a case reminiscent of both Epstein’s first arrest, as well as other examples like Pizzagate, Franklin, Nebraska and the Detroux case in Belgium where evidence of a larger network is substantial. But inexplicably investigators get told things like Epstein “belongs to intelligence” and the investigation stops before it…
The Bugmen looking for right-leaning sites and communities to ban in the wake of false flag shootings. Full details of the suspected reason follow the joining instructions below, but the short version is that the false flag shootings in El Paso were used as an excuse to deplatform a number…
He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is a folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13 Since Vox Day and Anonymous Conservative have both saw fit to publicly entertain and believe that certain conspiracies are true, I thought I would add my own thoughts on the matter.…
After the shooting in Las Vegas I made a post which compiled a lot of different videos and testimony about the shooting which strongly suggested that there was more than one shooter. The idea that an old drunk and gambler suddenly went lone gunman can’t really be believed given the…
The above image a 1991 episode of the Simpsons. News of top Hollywood executive Harvey Weinstein being a serial sexual abuser of employees has come to light and Hollywood doesn’t want to talk about it. This isn’t the first time the well-to-do in Hollywood have been accused of sexual misconduct. Former…
Why is it always the Jews? I don’t mean why do Jews use their special mind control ray to destroy the world for some plot. I mean the topic of Jews always seems to provoke strong emotions and exaggerated hyperbole in forums. That particular topic seems to be the most…
[Edit: also check out this post for additional videos and a timeline] There is a lot of videos coming out about the shooting. I don’t know the full extent of what happened, but I can say that the following video compellingly suggests there was more than one shooter. There are…
Well, that is an awkward title, I will admit. But mainstream media outlets, including the Washington Post, have felt the need to deny this claim publicly after it was made in an Alex Jones interview with a man named Robert David Steele. Click here for the full interview between Jones…
Yesterday there was a “Nazi” shooter in Houston. The same day as the presidential debate. Within a couple of weeks of the alternative right being denounced by one of the candidates in which one candidate tried to smear it as being Nazi. At this time there was a major escalation…
[Image Source] Steve Sailer recently wrote an obituary for Henry Harpinding; a rare anthropologist who was open to the idea that genetics may play a role in racial differences. In the article he quoted the anthropologist and something caught my eye: Probably most of our readers don’t have personal experience…
(Image Source, T-shirt available) Writing under my alternative username Nemester, the head moderator over at /r/darkenlightenment, I made a post and a comment in which I discussed entryists and how they might be effectively dealt with. I have gained lots of direct experience with actually dealing with entryists which should…