I don’t know that I have ever seen hype so brutally turned into blue balls in my life. I actually feel bad for these guys
Category: deep state
The response to 4GW is 5GW – warfare by psyop, utilizing misinformation and sentiment engineering. Its characteristic weapons platform is the social network. Where 4GW seeks to use the enemy’s own morality against it, 5GW seeks to change that morality, to transform the enemy’s inner nature, getting the enemy to…
[Here is an old interview I did with Aurini on gender differences in intelligence] Aurini has written an article discussing conspiracies. Like myself, and Anonymous Conservative, reasonable appraisal of time and events has led to the consideration that many things that happen, or at least the tall tales we are…
For the TL;DR crowd, AC’s regular commenter farcesensitive provided a succinct summary in response to the comment I made which this post is adapted from: Stupid people are Amoral to some extent.Intelligent people are either moral or IMmoral.Cabal finds people who are amoral enough to be just as useful as…
Original source. The FBI raided Project Veritas on a pretext and is now leaking their privileged communications to the New York Times…PV is currently in litigation with the New York Times [which] makes it all the more appalling that the NYT would be publishing Veritas’ privileged communications. The premise for…
From Revolver.news. Most Americans do not realize the full extent to which a racially based spoils system is fundamentally embedded in American economic life. They know about affirmative action in school admissions (though many mistakenly believe affirmative action is a “tiebreaker” as opposed to an enormous boost for the recipient).…
An article came out from the Boston globe discussing professional blackmailer and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s association with Cathedral Epicenter Harvard. Jeffrey Epstein’s millions earned him special treatment at Harvard: He had a personal office among university researchers, a dedicated phone line, an unusual visiting fellowship position, and the backing of…
Last June, my primary moderator account, /u/atavisionary, on /r/darkenlightenment was purged from reddit permanently for sharing links to the Project Veritas‘ expose on pinterest showing they were using their porn filter to hide pro-life sites on their platform. The backlash was later great enough Reddit was forced to reverse their…
The Bugmen looking for right-leaning sites and communities to ban in the wake of false flag shootings. Full details of the suspected reason follow the joining instructions below, but the short version is that the false flag shootings in El Paso were used as an excuse to deplatform a number…
He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is a folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13 Since Vox Day and Anonymous Conservative have both saw fit to publicly entertain and believe that certain conspiracies are true, I thought I would add my own thoughts on the matter.…
I know this is an odd post topic, but I was just made aware of the somewhat dark undertones present in the theme song for this old children’s show. It may be nothing, but after the revelations from pizzagate and the relative ubiquity of occult symbology in popular media, it…
(((Cohen))), unsurprisingly, is a bit of a leftist twat. And often just disgusting for the sake of being disgusting. The nude hotel scene in Borat comes to mind. However, even a broken clock is right twice a day and in his effort to create “comedy” by being outrageous with taboos…
I use the word “best” with some reservation. This a quite disturbing topic, but the documentary is well put together and high quality. As I mentioned previously, I believe there is more than a little truth to the pizzagate controversy. You can see an analysis of some disturbing music videos…
[Edit: at the bottom of the page are links to a twitter account claiming responsibility, with screenshots, for the ddos attacks. This group is apparently attacking many, many sites on the dissident right] Altright.com has been down for over two weeks thanks to a campaign by a social justice organization…
An article came out in the Washington post on a recent supreme court decision to strike down part of the federal law which bans gambling on sports. The law banned gambling everywhere except in Nevada because I guess there was already a large business for it in Las Vegas and…