“Criminal Collusion: FBI Illegally Leaked Privileged Project Veritas Communications and the NY Times Illegally Reported on Them”

Original source. The FBI raided Project Veritas on a pretext and is now leaking their privileged communications to the New York Times…PV is currently in litigation with the New York Times [which] makes it all the more appalling that the NYT would be publishing Veritas’ privileged communications. The premise for…

“Meet America’s Race Czars: A Shadowy Bureaucracy Deciding Who’s ‘Black Enough’ to Get Government Perks”

“Meet America’s Race Czars: A Shadowy Bureaucracy Deciding Who’s ‘Black Enough’ to Get Government Perks”

From Revolver.news. Most Americans do not realize the full extent to which a racially based spoils system is fundamentally embedded in American economic life. They know about affirmative action in school admissions (though many mistakenly believe affirmative action is a “tiebreaker” as opposed to an enormous boost for the recipient).…

Epstein’s ties to Harvard

Epstein’s ties to Harvard

An article came out from the Boston globe discussing professional blackmailer and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s association with Cathedral Epicenter Harvard. Jeffrey Epstein’s millions earned him special treatment at Harvard: He had a personal office among university researchers, a dedicated phone line, an unusual visiting fellowship position, and the backing of…

Bananas in Pajamas

Bananas in Pajamas

I know this is an odd post topic, but I was just made aware of the somewhat dark undertones present in the theme song for this old children’s show. It may be nothing, but after the revelations from pizzagate and the relative ubiquity of occult symbology in popular media, it…