Rumors started yesterday that there was going to be a ban wave on reddit, targeting mostly conservative subs. This appears to be the case, here is a mostly obfuscated list of banned subs. Most notable is they finally banned the previously largest pro-Trump community on the internet, after years of…
Category: Neoreaction
You can read more about the circumstances here and here. In short, the New York Times claimed to be writing a positively spun puff piece about Alexander, but had also found his full real name and intends or intended to publish it. Personally, I wouldn’t believe their assurances of a…
As most of you who follow the dissident right and especially neoreaction know, Moldbug has returned to the public spotlight in the last year with several interview podcasts as well as new writing at the American mind. I have noticed some people commenting critically about Curtis Yarvin getting very emotional…
From the New York Post: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg attended a secret dinner at the White House last month with President Trump and tech investor Peter Thiel, the social media company confirmed on Wednesday night. The previously undisclosed meeting in October between the social media mogul and the president was…
[Please support this site by buying a copy of “Smart and Sexy.” The definitive guide to gender differences in intelligence] Or at least, its the closest to a real-world example I have heard of. The all-white town called Orania in South Africa is doing pretty well. Its population has doubled…
This was requested by a couple of users on the new /r/darkenlightenment server, details on how to join here. You can read about RSS aggregators here if you don’t know what they are. It should make it easier to get a quick overview of what new content has been…
The following is an excerpt from the book Smart and SeXy by Roderick Kaine. For additional excerpts and reviews please see this page. Please see “women and the university” for a related discussion on female educational choices. “Vanity Marketing: for women only” is a good discussion on female susceptibility to…
As you know from my last post, is down and it is unclear when it will be coming back. Arktos helped run and also hosted the excerpts for their books on that site. This includes excerpts from my book, Smart and sexy which is on gender differences in…
A new article came out analyzing the contrast between leftists and rightist perceptions of different fields of science. Unsurprisingly, people who tend conservative tend to view fields of “science” populated overwhelmingly with rabid social justice leftists as unscientific. I have written about this before, and have an expanded version of…
I was on the Warski live podcast tonight to discuss Smart and Sexy. Unfortunately, there were some technical issues and I wasn’t able to participate in the first half. However, we did get to discuss gender differences in intelligent a bit. Although not as much as I would have liked…
We all know that Google, like other tech companies, is very converged by leftists and SJWs and I have suggested ways to limit the amount of ad revenue the company can get from you by installing an ad blocker. The recent James Damore incident was merely one more checked box for the…
The British and American spelling of civilization is different… Anyway, when I first started /r/darkenlightenment a few years ago one of the earlier posts I made was a youtube link compilation of the thirteen episodes of Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation series. Civilisation focuses on the changes in Western philosophy, art, and…
Great speech from Mr. Hoppe on libertarianism and the alt-right. Also, get his book. It’s quite good:
In this interview we discuss Smart and Sexy.
Recently Buzzfeed released an article in which they claimed to have access to many of Milo Yiannopolous’ emails, some of which they published. I am not sure why they wouldn’t make the whole cache available unless their intention is to only release out of context discussions which emphasize making Milo…