Another article suggested by the American sun. Here is the original article. I suspect we are currently witnessing the catastrophic end of this metaphysical power of legitimacy that has shielded the managerial ruling class for decades. Anyone even briefly familiar with the historical record knows just how much of a…
Category: pseudo-science
So, over time I have found a number of very strange things and claims hosted at Most were released as a result of FOIA orders. Here is a list of the most bizarre ones. There is a download link after each embed. Some of this stuff was actually originally…
A new article came out analyzing the contrast between leftists and rightist perceptions of different fields of science. Unsurprisingly, people who tend conservative tend to view fields of “science” populated overwhelmingly with rabid social justice leftists as unscientific. I have written about this before, and have an expanded version of…
Welcome back, folks, to another episode of “Polarity Shift” where we take anti-white screeds, rants, and other related incoherent babble and replace the original target (whites or white males) with a “protected” group such as Jews, blacks, lesbians or maybe even a black, Jewish lesbian to offend everyone all at…
Recently I wrote a post on pirates in which I discussed a historian who explained his experience in reading contemporary “academic” writings on the history of pirates. Quite unsurprisingly, leftists have been attempting to rewrite history in order to make pirates into race-mixing homosexuals. Contemporary historians have tended to use…
I have been pretty busy lately so my I haven’t been able to post in awhile, but I cam across an unexpected description of “progressive” revisionist history I thought I would share. Basically, there was an article on pirates by a Harvard educated historian named Mark Hanna, who is now…
In February of 2016, the BBC ran a fake news article about women being better software programmers than men based on a study which had not actually been published, and of which the authors did not intend to release the data. Of course, since that is bullshit, the BBC has…
A good heuristic for deciding how much to trust a claim about some group of humans is to exchange the groups (say with a find:replace command in word) with other groups and see if the change would result in a large swing in public perception. A large change in the…
/r/science on reddit is having a race hustler thread where cathedral academics are telling everyone the same tired nonsense that differences in outcomes between groups are caused by SES and discrimination by white men. I decided it would be valuable to post an excerpt from my book which discusses the…
Recently, one of my favorite twitter accounts was deleted. The name of the account was @realpeerreview and the main focus of this account was to take excerpts from truly retarded social “science” research papers and show how stupidly our tax money is being wasted. You can see an archive of…
Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary origins and biological underpinnings of cognitive differences between the sexes. The soft cover edition is available here. If you are on a budget you can also download the E-book. You can read the review here and the counter-currents review here. This is probably the…
Now that I am finished writing my book and it is in the process of being published I have been looking for a more traditional vocation. While I look for another job, or possibly start up a business, I have been doing 1 on 1 tutoring sessions for high school…
One of the most surprising things that has happened this year, but is probably under the radar of most people, is that the co-founder of the radical leftist environmental group Green Peace came out as a climate skeptic. Seriously. On climate change, Patrick Moore states: I am skeptical humans are…
I have previously discussed how articles are altered such that the conclusions appear progressive even though the data says anything but. My article on wikipedia in action is all about this, and my upcoming book Smart and Sexy, which will be published by Arktos, also discusses this with respect to…