One of my favorite twitter accounts deleted (On peer review and social “science”)

Recently, one of my favorite twitter accounts was deleted. The name of the account was @realpeerreview and the main focus of this account was to take excerpts from truly retarded social “science” research papers and show how stupidly our tax money is being wasted. You can see an archive of his work here and an archive of the archive in case that goes down. I would read through all those. It is both hilarious and infuriating at the same time. Why does the public have to pay for such stupidity?

Of course, other social “scientists” didn’t like public attention to their “research” and threatened to doxx the individual broadcasting how atrocious most social “science” research actually is. These cockroaches prefer to stay in dark under the rug and don’t like anyone lifting up a corner. @realpeerreview was, I guess, left no choice but to back off because his career was possibly on the line. Some one else quickly snatched up the account name after finding out about this typically leftist hiding of the truth to continue on the good work. I don’t know if she will do as good a job, but I hope she can give them hell.

Anyway, just one more example why academia, at least in the humanities, should not be trusted at all. I have written on stuff like this before on how stereotype threat is bunk and how standardized tests are rigged against boys, however, it was nice to see how widespread the sickness is. It spans hundreds of papers and hundreds of topics. Defunding the humanities would wipe out 100 times more cancerous tumor than healthy tissue. It is time for some emergency surgery.

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