Choosing sides

Choosing sides

Recently, BuzzFeed attempted to generate a fake scandal about a home improvement television show. (Which also happens to be my mom’s favorite show, which we will come back to later). Basically, Joanna and Chip Gaines are a couple who fix up crappy houses for clients. They are believing Christians and…

Smart and SeXy

Smart and SeXy

Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary Origins and Biological Underpinnings of Cognitive Differences between the Sexes Smart and sexy is the definitive book on sex differences in intelligence. With over 300 citations of peer reviewed scientific articles, it describes the latest science on cognitive differences in the sexes without being hampered…

The Daily Moldbug post

The Daily Moldbug post

I just set up a new system that should result in a post being made to /r/darkenlightenment each day that contains one or more links to Moldbug’s unqualified reservations. I made a second sub, /r/TheDailyMoldbug, which will only have these posts for more easy reference. Posts will start being made…

Smart and SeXy

Smart and SeXy

Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary origins and biological underpinnings of cognitive differences between the sexes. The soft cover edition is available here. If you are on a budget you can also download the E-book. You can read the review here and the counter-currents review here. This is probably the…