I apologize that it has been over a month since my last post. I am working on a book that describes the biological underpinnings of gender differences in intelligence that I hope to have released by the end of the year, possibly earlier. I have spent most of my time…
Category: feminism
I am not sure, but my impression is that most neoreactionaries do not like or use reddit. Either that or they use names not associated with their blogs. I can understand this because it is true that 99% percent of reddit is a progressive clusterfuck with no end in sight…
The boy who cried wolf is a famous tale in western culture. In it a shepherd boy who maintains a flock of sheep repeatedly calls for the help of local villagers to repel an attack by wolves. However, once the villagers arrive, they discover that there was no wolf attack and…
This article was adapted from the premier book on sex differences in intelligence, Smart and Sexy by Roderick Kaine. The politically acceptable explanation for gender differences in intelligence studies and tests is that discrimination accounts for all current disparities between men and women in intellectual Fields, starting first and foremost…
This is a modified excerpt from Smart and Sexy by Roderick Kaine. IQ testing and research has been around for over 100 years. Though it is often a controversial issue, the fact remains that more than any other psychological trait studied, IQ scores contain a remarkable amount of predictive power…
Misandromasochism is a combination of the words misandry and masochism. Misandry is the hatred, dislike, contempt for or ingrained prejudice against men and/or boys Misandry itself is a combination of old English Mis which means wrong, bad or erroneous and Andro which is Greek for male. Misandry therefore literally means…
All Parts<– Part 3 Part 5–> Diverting the most capable women away from reproduction is dysgenic A large variety of research…
As we all know mother nature is extremely sexist since sexism is extraordinarily abundant throughout her kingdom. For some unfathomable reason she sees fit, in her infinite patriarchal fascism, to continually set up systems of oppression in the sexual dynamics of most species. Unsurprisingly, in most cases it is the…
This post was originally written as part the book Smart and SeXy which is on sex differences in intelligence. It was modified and shortened to be a stand-alone post. There is a lot of discussion in the manosphere about the Alpha/beta dichotomy. It is usually phrased as “Alpha fucks/Beta bucks”. Actually,…
No affiliation with Atavisionary.com. See more artwork at this website. A few months ago, I went out with a group of friends for a few beers. Among them were these two women (let’s call them Jane and Mitzi) who spontaneously broke out into a conversation about a third woman (Let’s call…
A prig is a person who displays or demands of others pointlessly precise conformity, fussiness about trivialities, or exaggerated propriety, especially in a self-righteous or irritating manner. Also, A self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if superior to others. Prog is an abbreviation of Progressive. Among other things, the progressive…
According to urban dictionary a Leftoid is: This is a derogatory term for left leaning people who have naive, unrealistic, and overly optimistic views about how the world works based on what they would like to be true rather than what is actually true in reality. How the leftoid would…
There are minor spoilers. This book isn’t worth reading so I wouldn’t worry about that. In high school, which was quite a long time ago, my entire class was required read the book “speak” by Laurie Anderson. A 13 year old girl goes to a party at the beginning of the story,…