Moldbug’s Onion

Moldbug’s Onion

As most of you who follow the dissident right and especially neoreaction know, Moldbug has returned to the public spotlight in the last year with several interview podcasts as well as new writing at the American mind. I have noticed some people commenting critically about Curtis Yarvin getting very emotional…

Epstein’s ties to Harvard

Epstein’s ties to Harvard

An article came out from the Boston globe discussing professional blackmailer and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s association with Cathedral Epicenter Harvard. Jeffrey Epstein’s millions earned him special treatment at Harvard: He had a personal office among university researchers, a dedicated phone line, an unusual visiting fellowship position, and the backing of…

Free book: Smart and Sexy: the evolutionary origins and biological underpinnings of cognitive differences between the sexes

Free book: Smart and Sexy: the evolutionary origins and biological underpinnings of cognitive differences between the sexes

The book has been out since 2016 to generally positive reviews. Most people who have read it, have liked it. The book represents years of research and provides an account of sex differences in intelligence that can’t be found anywhere else. In short, progressivism prevents most candid discussion of these…

Reddit fears The Day Of The Rope.

Reddit fears The Day Of The Rope.

Last June, my primary moderator account, /u/atavisionary, on /r/darkenlightenment was purged from reddit permanently for sharing links to the Project Veritas‘ expose on pinterest showing they were using their porn filter to hide pro-life sites on their platform. The backlash was later great enough Reddit was forced to reverse their…

President Trump and Crypto-Neoreactionary Peter Thiel have a secret and private sit-down with Mark Zuckerberg

President Trump and Crypto-Neoreactionary Peter Thiel have a secret and private sit-down with Mark Zuckerberg

From the New York Post: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg attended a secret dinner at the White House last month with President Trump and tech investor Peter Thiel, the social media company confirmed on Wednesday night. The previously undisclosed meeting in October between the social media mogul and the president was…

Official FBI twitter account draws attention to “The Finders” child sexual exploitation cult which engaged in satanic ritual abuse and may have had ties to the CIA.

Official FBI twitter account draws attention to “The Finders” child sexual exploitation cult which engaged in satanic ritual abuse and may have had ties to the CIA.

This is a case reminiscent of both Epstein’s first arrest, as well as other examples like Pizzagate, Franklin, Nebraska and the Detroux case in Belgium where evidence of a larger network is substantial. But inexplicably investigators get told things like Epstein “belongs to intelligence” and the investigation stops before it…