Dark Wisdom

Dark Wisdom

This article was co-written by myself and Brett Stevens and came about as a result of a conversation we had on the categorization of various groups based on their actions and beliefs. It originally appeared on Amerika.org. Of all of humanity, very few act as decision-makers because few have wisdom.…



There was recently an alt-right rally and I suppose I should comment. Someone died after all. [update: It appears the person who died did so of a heart attack rather than being hit] Well, that is unfortunate. For some reason, a young guy decided to drive through a crowd of Antifa violent thugs…

When it rains it pours

When it rains it pours

Recently I wrote a post on pirates in which I discussed a historian who explained his experience in reading contemporary “academic” writings on the history of pirates. Quite unsurprisingly, leftists have been attempting to rewrite history in order to make pirates into race-mixing homosexuals. Contemporary historians have tended to use…

Reversing the Demographic Winter

Reversing the Demographic Winter

I found this documentary via reddit which found it via thinking housewife. It discusses an issue of deep concern to the dark enlightenment and that is the issue of population decline. For what I guess is a mainstream documentary, it is refreshingly frank with regards to the negative consequences modernism/post-modernism…