A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of Its Members and Leaders. Edited by George T. Shaw and Daniel Friberg. Arktos Media Ltd. May 9, 2018. A Fair Hearing is an anthology of prominent alt-right (or more generally dissident right) thinkers and writers. It was produced to give a fair overview…
Tag: review
A new article came out analyzing the contrast between leftists and rightist perceptions of different fields of science. Unsurprisingly, people who tend conservative tend to view fields of “science” populated overwhelmingly with rabid social justice leftists as unscientific. I have written about this before, and have an expanded version of…
So in my recent post, I went over google’s new and extreme policy of censorship. I suggested that everyone install the adnauseam adblocker because it blocks ads, obviously, but also because it spoofs the ads by sending fake click data back to whoever delivers the ads. That means it sends google…
I have had this article on the back-burner for some time, but the recent furor at google about gender disparities has forced me to dredge it back up and actually get it completed. It is, I would argue, extremely relevant while also advocating a somewhat novel approach to the insufferable…
An important new academic paper was recently published. Many evolutionary psychologists have asserted that there is a panhuman nature, a species typical psychological structure that is invariant across human populations. Although many social scientists dispute the basic assumptions of evolutionary psychology, they seem widely to agree with this hypothesis. Psychological…
I had a reader send me a message about book writing after he purchased and read my recently released book, Smart and Sexy: The Evolutionary Origins and Biological Underpinnings of Cognitive Differences Between the Sexes: Dear Sir Surely you get a lot of correspondence such as this, so hopefully you won’t…
Image Source There has been a lot of crap happening the last few weeks, so I thought a not particularly political post might be a nice respite for some. Please bear with the large digressions in this post. It may not seem like it, but it is all related in…
Recently, one of my favorite twitter accounts was deleted. The name of the account was @realpeerreview and the main focus of this account was to take excerpts from truly retarded social “science” research papers and show how stupidly our tax money is being wasted. You can see an archive of…
The Hestia Society has recently created an “official” forum for neoreaction and the Dark Enlightenment. One of the first forum posts asked what movies or TV shows are out there which aren’t completely drenched with progressive nonsense. As I and others have detailed, many forms of entertainment and writing are…
I was recently asked to help a 9th grader with a “research paper” that was supposed to be related to a book he was assigned to read in class. This book was called “The Kite Runner.” I had never read this book before, so I was limited to focusing on…
Short post today. First, sorry about the theme change. There was a problem with an update to my old theme so this is a stand-in until I can get the old back. If I can. This was actually an issue the developer of the theme introduced, so it is possible…
I have heard of HL Mencken, called by some the greatest misogynist of all time, talked about in a number of different places in the manosphere and in neoreaction. Specifically, the book “In defense of Women,” written in 1918, was recommended to me and so I decided to go ahead and…
[Spoiler alert] I recommend you watch the movie before reading this review, which includes a summary. If you have already seen it or don’t care, read on. It is currently available on Net Flix. 12 Angry Men is about a jury of twelve (all white) men who must decide whether or…
When I first read about the original Mass Effect, I found myself very interested. A third person futuristic shooter with significant roleplaying elements seemed like a very unique style. Unfortunately, I did not own an X-box at the time so I did not have a chance to play the original…
There are minor spoilers. This book isn’t worth reading so I wouldn’t worry about that. In high school, which was quite a long time ago, my entire class was required read the book “speak” by Laurie Anderson. A 13 year old girl goes to a party at the beginning of the story,…