Daily Absurdity

Short post today. First, sorry about the theme change. There was a problem with an update to my old theme so this is a stand-in until I can get the old back. If I can. This was actually an issue the developer of the theme introduced, so it is possible that one is gone for good. Or at least long enough for me to decide on something else. [edit, this has since been fixed]

On another note, I got reminded why I do not watch much, if any, TV anymore. I was visiting with some family and we  decided to turn on netflix for some background noise. What was chosen was the netflix original series called “Between.” The premise is there is a virus that kills all of the adults in what looked like a New England town. There is a quarantine instituted and the under 22 years old survivors have to fend for themselves. The first scene shows a guy barely able to grow a beard walking towards a fence when all these military guys with guns rush it and tell him to go back. This lasted about 5 seconds. The next scene flashes back 10 days to before the quarantine and we see the main character walking through her high school. She is about 8 months pregnant. The show couldn’t go 15 seconds without going full prog propaganda. Needless to say, I was annoyed. Then she started talking about going to MIT. ya… I ended up walking out of the room and just talking to some other people outside of this show. I hate watching propaganda, or even being in the same room when it is on.

I checked to see if I actually heard her correctly in claiming she was going to be going to MIT despite having a new-born, but it turns out she was talking about her male friend not herself according to wikipedia. My bad. I guess that is still too delusional for propaganda purposes, but if it was part of the plot I honestly wouldn’t have been surprised. But still, degenerate unwed mothers were in saner times sent out of high schools so they couldn’t spread their degeneracy. Now they are main characters of TV shows. She is probably depicted as sassy, strong and independent if I had bothered watching a few episodes. I am not though, I have seen enough progressive propaganda to know that this is probably true, and that I don’t really care to see it. Ostensibly, this is just a show about some teenagers trying to survive a freak virus. In reality, that is only half of the show. The rest is progressives trying to completely redefine what is and is not moral and normalize degeneracy. I have reviewed multiple items of this sort and in much greater detail in the past (see list below) and it follows a very familiar pattern. Almost all mass produced “entertainment” has it which is why I don’t watch mainstream TV or movies anymore.

Giving this insignificant show the time to watch it and find all the best propaganda moments isn’t worth it. It isn’t popular, it isn’t even highly rated by people who don’t grok the cultural Marxism. If you want some examples where I put in the full effort for more notable works, see below:

A Neoreactionary Analysis and Review of “12 Angry men”

A Review of Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

How Cultural Marxism Ruined the Mass Effect Franchise

How Cultural Marxism Ruined The Walking Dead

One Reply to “Daily Absurdity”

  1. Can you make a list of Neo-reactionary approved content available on the sidebar? or maybe have a post where we can submit ideas for non degenerate movies & TV shows of what little left there are?

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