The Nietzche Club

The Nietzche Club

The Nietzche club posted over at /r/darkenlightenment is requesting for London based students at University College London to contact them and join the club. A noble goal. Though I am not eligible myself not being a student or in Britain, I figured it couldn’t hurt to give them some exposure. So here…

What is Misandromasochism?

What is Misandromasochism?

Misandromasochism is a combination of the words misandry and masochism. Misandry is the hatred, dislike, contempt for or ingrained prejudice against men and/or boys Misandry itself is a combination of old English Mis which means wrong, bad or erroneous and Andro which is Greek for male. Misandry therefore literally means…

The Missing Links

The Missing Links

The Cathedral is a Christian sect that very cleverly adopted the camouflage of secularism so as to more easily infect (memefect?) non-Christians and non-religious institutions in addition to actual believers. This was a natural evolution of the theology given that the constitution of the United States originally sought to keep…