[Here is an old interview I did with Aurini on gender differences in intelligence] Aurini has written an article discussing conspiracies. Like myself, and Anonymous Conservative, reasonable appraisal of time and events has led to the consideration that many things that happen, or at least the tall tales we are…
Tag: truth
Last June, my primary moderator account, /u/atavisionary, on /r/darkenlightenment was purged from reddit permanently for sharing links to the Project Veritas‘ expose on pinterest showing they were using their porn filter to hide pro-life sites on their platform. The backlash was later great enough Reddit was forced to reverse their…
I recently came across a report on a series of studies which attempted to see how people handle a task where they are instructed to have no external distractions and to entertain themselves only using their own thought (Titled “Just think: the challenges of the disengaged mind”). A disclaimer: Many social…
Why is it always the Jews? I don’t mean why do Jews use their special mind control ray to destroy the world for some plot. I mean the topic of Jews always seems to provoke strong emotions and exaggerated hyperbole in forums. That particular topic seems to be the most…
[Edit: also check out this post for additional videos and a timeline] There is a lot of videos coming out about the shooting. I don’t know the full extent of what happened, but I can say that the following video compellingly suggests there was more than one shooter. There are…
This article was co-written by myself and Brett Stevens and came about as a result of a conversation we had on the categorization of various groups based on their actions and beliefs. It originally appeared on Amerika.org. Of all of humanity, very few act as decision-makers because few have wisdom.…
I have had this article on the back-burner for some time, but the recent furor at google about gender disparities has forced me to dredge it back up and actually get it completed. It is, I would argue, extremely relevant while also advocating a somewhat novel approach to the insufferable…
In the recent past I have been thinking somewhat on what might be called spiritual virtuousness. Perhaps that isn’t the best description, but it most closely approximates what I am trying to convey. At the heart of the matter is the question of what is the True good and the…
This will be a short post. I just want to draw attention to yet another example of people not following the “right” narrative being bullied, badgered, pressured and purged. Part of the “acceptable” narrative is that all races (and genders) are equal in every conceivable way. Not just in terms…
Though I am not religious, I do have some Christian friends. These friends tend to be more independently minded and have some serious gripes with the average church because of some commonly held, yet arguably unbiblical beliefs many church congregations share. Last night, I was hanging out with these friends…