A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of Its Members and Leaders. Edited by George T. Shaw and Daniel Friberg. Arktos Media Ltd. May 9, 2018. A Fair Hearing is an anthology of prominent alt-right (or more generally dissident right) thinkers and writers. It was produced to give a fair overview…
Tag: alt-right
[Edit: at the bottom of the page are links to a twitter account claiming responsibility, with screenshots, for the ddos attacks. This group is apparently attacking many, many sites on the dissident right] Altright.com has been down for over two weeks thanks to a campaign by a social justice organization…
Great speech from Mr. Hoppe on libertarianism and the alt-right. Also, get his book. It’s quite good:
Recently Buzzfeed released an article in which they claimed to have access to many of Milo Yiannopolous’ emails, some of which they published. I am not sure why they wouldn’t make the whole cache available unless their intention is to only release out of context discussions which emphasize making Milo…
There was recently an alt-right rally and I suppose I should comment. Someone died after all. [update: It appears the person who died did so of a heart attack rather than being hit] Well, that is unfortunate. For some reason, a young guy decided to drive through a crowd of Antifa violent thugs…
On March 22cnd I was forwarded an interview request from Josh Harkinson (email him: jharkinson@motherjones.com ) by Tor Westman, editor at the publisher who released my book Smart and Sexy. Josh Harkinson covers neoreaction and the alt-right for leftist e-toilet paper site Mother Jones. His most recent article was about…
From Altright.com: New analysis by the independent think tank Just Facts found that as many as 5.7 million non-citizens may have voted in the 2008 election. Now that’s what I call hacking an election! The new analysis looked again at data from a Harvard/YouGov study conducted in the wake of the…
In a return to what I believe, if I recall correctly, was my most popular post since starting this blog, it seems that GitHub is up to more extremely annoying Cultural Marxism. For those who don’t know what GitHub does, it hosts servers and a platform for programmers to share…
I noticed I was getting a few hits from the /r/anarcho_capitalism sub-reddit and stumbled on an interesting post by /u/chewingofthecud trying to compare and contrast An-caps to the alt-right. Overall it was a pretty interesting discussion. You can read it all here. This is otherwise hard to explain because according…
Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary Origins and Biological Underpinnings of Cognitive Differences between the Sexes Smart and sexy is the definitive book on sex differences in intelligence. With over 300 citations of peer reviewed scientific articles, it describes the latest science on cognitive differences in the sexes without being hampered…
I just set up a new system that should result in a post being made to /r/darkenlightenment each day that contains one or more links to Moldbug’s unqualified reservations. I made a second sub, /r/TheDailyMoldbug, which will only have these posts for more easy reference. Posts will start being made…
This book is well beyond copyright so you can read it for free online, including on this site which has both a typed and photocopied version on the same page. Also, please look at Jim’s excellent analysis of progressives re-writing history to downplay Darwin’s contribution of natural selection. I know…
The word atavisionary is a combination of atavism and visionary. At·a·vism[at–uh-viz-uhm] noun 1. biologya. The reappearance in an individual of characteristics of some remote ancestor that have been absent in intervening generations. b. An individual embodying such a reversion. Vi·sion·ar·y[vizh–uh-ner-ee] nouna. A person who is given to audacious, highly speculative, or radical ideas…