From the New York Post: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg attended a secret dinner at the White House last month with President Trump and tech investor Peter Thiel, the social media company confirmed on Wednesday night. The previously undisclosed meeting in October between the social media mogul and the president was…
Tag: mencius
We all know that Google, like other tech companies, is very converged by leftists and SJWs and I have suggested ways to limit the amount of ad revenue the company can get from you by installing an ad blocker. The recent James Damore incident was merely one more checked box for the…
Recently Buzzfeed released an article in which they claimed to have access to many of Milo Yiannopolous’ emails, some of which they published. I am not sure why they wouldn’t make the whole cache available unless their intention is to only release out of context discussions which emphasize making Milo…
I noticed I was getting a few hits from the /r/anarcho_capitalism sub-reddit and stumbled on an interesting post by /u/chewingofthecud trying to compare and contrast An-caps to the alt-right. Overall it was a pretty interesting discussion. You can read it all here. This is otherwise hard to explain because according…
I just set up a new system that should result in a post being made to /r/darkenlightenment each day that contains one or more links to Moldbug’s unqualified reservations. I made a second sub, /r/TheDailyMoldbug, which will only have these posts for more easy reference. Posts will start being made…