For the TL;DR crowd, AC’s regular commenter farcesensitive provided a succinct summary in response to the comment I made which this post is adapted from: Stupid people are Amoral to some extent.Intelligent people are either moral or IMmoral.Cabal finds people who are amoral enough to be just as useful as…
Tag: conservative
A new article came out analyzing the contrast between leftists and rightist perceptions of different fields of science. Unsurprisingly, people who tend conservative tend to view fields of “science” populated overwhelmingly with rabid social justice leftists as unscientific. I have written about this before, and have an expanded version of…
[Link to image creator, visit his site. Its great] I found an interesting article from The Atlantic (ya, I know, but this one was alright). It wonders why there are no conservative comedians. As is typical, they don’t come anywhere close to understanding the problem of telling jokes from a…
This article was adapted from the premier book on sex differences in intelligence, Smart and Sexy by Roderick Kaine. The politically acceptable explanation for gender differences in intelligence studies and tests is that discrimination accounts for all current disparities between men and women in intellectual Fields, starting first and foremost…
A prig is a person who displays or demands of others pointlessly precise conformity, fussiness about trivialities, or exaggerated propriety, especially in a self-righteous or irritating manner. Also, A self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if superior to others. Prog is an abbreviation of Progressive. Among other things, the progressive…