I started this commentary back in 2018, and for whatever reason got sidetracked and didn’t finish it despite being almost done. Doing some spring cleaning on the site, I rediscovered the draft and have finished. It is still pretty much just as relevant since the same things continue to happen…
Tag: book
The book has been out since 2016 to generally positive reviews. Most people who have read it, have liked it. The book represents years of research and provides an account of sex differences in intelligence that can’t be found anywhere else. In short, progressivism prevents most candid discussion of these…
A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of Its Members and Leaders. Edited by George T. Shaw and Daniel Friberg. Arktos Media Ltd. May 9, 2018. A Fair Hearing is an anthology of prominent alt-right (or more generally dissident right) thinkers and writers. It was produced to give a fair overview…
The following is an excerpt from the book “Smart and Sexy” by Roderick Kaine; a book mainly about the biological causes of sex differences in intelligence. (UPDATE: E-book now available for free) However, it also branches out into to topics which are closely related culturally or politically. For example, the…
The following is an excerpt from the book Smart and SeXy by Roderick Kaine. For additional excerpts and reviews please see this page. Please see “women and the university” for a related discussion on female educational choices. “Vanity Marketing: for women only” is a good discussion on female susceptibility to…
As you know from my last post, altright.com is down and it is unclear when it will be coming back. Arktos helped run altright.com and also hosted the excerpts for their books on that site. This includes excerpts from my book, Smart and sexy which is on gender differences in…
I was on the Warski live podcast tonight to discuss Smart and Sexy. Unfortunately, there were some technical issues and I wasn’t able to participate in the first half. However, we did get to discuss gender differences in intelligent a bit. Although not as much as I would have liked…
Roderick returns to Red Ice to discuss Testosterone Rex. Written by feminist Cordelia Fine, the book is a biased attempt to dismiss biological differences between the sexes. As Roderick explains, Testosterone Rex is politics first, and science second. Nevertheless, Testosterone Rex won the (once) prestigious Royal Society prize for book science book of the year. We…
In this interview we discuss Smart and Sexy.
In Smart and Sexy I spent some time going over what impact testosterone has on the different ways men and women think. An excerpt of this section of the book is available from here: Cambridge university autism researcher Simon Baron-Cohen, the cousin of comedian Sacha Baron-Cohen, advances the idea that…
I have had this article on the back-burner for some time, but the recent furor at google about gender disparities has forced me to dredge it back up and actually get it completed. It is, I would argue, extremely relevant while also advocating a somewhat novel approach to the insufferable…
Recently, a google employee created a manifesto decrying progressive diversity initiatives at google, rightly pointing out that the greatest contributing factor to lower female participation in tech is biological differences in psychology and intelligence. A conjecture that is basically proven that I have written about extensively. Google has an SJW…
Listen to the whole thing here. You can get a copy of the book here. Additional reviews and excerpts can be found here. Here is a summary of the first hour: Roderick joins us for an eye-opening conversation on the biological differences between men and women. After a lighthearted rumination on…
Trump signs two laws which create programs promoting STEM disciplines to girls. “It’s not fair and it’s not even smart,” Trump said of the low percentage of women with STEM degrees who actually work in the field. About a quarter of the women with STEM degrees work in the field.…
Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary Origins and Biological Underpinnings of Cognitive Differences between the Sexes Smart and sexy is the definitive book on sex differences in intelligence. With over 300 citations of peer reviewed scientific articles, it describes the latest science on cognitive differences in the sexes without being hampered…