An article recently came out lamenting that a larger number of women were incurring student loan debt and that debt was larger per capita among women than men. It is based on a report (click this, the graphs are worth looking at) by the “American Association of University Women.” Certainly this…
Tag: Human biological diversity
I like to refer to Lewontin’s fallacy frequently when debating people who deny the biological basis of race. Wikipedia, while clearly not perfect, did have a reasonable article (at least for quick referral of lay-people) on the paper written by W.F. Edwards which coined “Lewontin’s fallacy.”(1) A brief overview is…
Dark Enlightenment bloggers talk about R vs. K selection quite a bit. I found this video by Bozeman Science (unaffiliated with and thought it was worth sharing: Though compared to other species, all humans are very k selected, humans do vary with respect to other in their level of r…
All Parts<– Part 2 Part 4–> Experience in agriculture shows that monoculture in humans is best avoided Eugenics, called selective breeding when applied…
All Parts<– Part 1 Part 3–> Compassion and eugenics are not mutually exclusive The west is neurotically afraid of eugenics…
All Parts<– Prologue Part 2–> Personality and intelligence are genetically determined traits Demographics matter. Biology matters. People’s personalities, including non-cognitive traits that affect life…
Discussing different human groups, whether male vs. female or different races, can often lead to great frustration because there are bad things that are also very true about many groups. On the one hand, some people find it very impolite (and it is, let’s be honest) and would prefer a very…
A prig is a person who displays or demands of others pointlessly precise conformity, fussiness about trivialities, or exaggerated propriety, especially in a self-righteous or irritating manner. Also, A self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if superior to others. Prog is an abbreviation of Progressive. Among other things, the progressive…