As most of you who follow the dissident right and especially neoreaction know, Moldbug has returned to the public spotlight in the last year with several interview podcasts as well as new writing at the American mind. I have noticed some people commenting critically about Curtis Yarvin getting very emotional…
Tag: neoreaction
From the New York Post: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg attended a secret dinner at the White House last month with President Trump and tech investor Peter Thiel, the social media company confirmed on Wednesday night. The previously undisclosed meeting in October between the social media mogul and the president was…
This was requested by a couple of users on the new /r/darkenlightenment server, details on how to join here. You can read about RSS aggregators here if you don’t know what they are. It should make it easier to get a quick overview of what new content has been…
We all know that Google, like other tech companies, is very converged by leftists and SJWs and I have suggested ways to limit the amount of ad revenue the company can get from you by installing an ad blocker. The recent James Damore incident was merely one more checked box for the…
Great speech from Mr. Hoppe on libertarianism and the alt-right. Also, get his book. It’s quite good:
Recently Buzzfeed released an article in which they claimed to have access to many of Milo Yiannopolous’ emails, some of which they published. I am not sure why they wouldn’t make the whole cache available unless their intention is to only release out of context discussions which emphasize making Milo…
So in my recent post, I went over google’s new and extreme policy of censorship. I suggested that everyone install the adnauseam adblocker because it blocks ads, obviously, but also because it spoofs the ads by sending fake click data back to whoever delivers the ads. That means it sends google…
On March 22cnd I was forwarded an interview request from Josh Harkinson (email him: ) by Tor Westman, editor at the publisher who released my book Smart and Sexy. Josh Harkinson covers neoreaction and the alt-right for leftist e-toilet paper site Mother Jones. His most recent article was about…
In a return to what I believe, if I recall correctly, was my most popular post since starting this blog, it seems that GitHub is up to more extremely annoying Cultural Marxism. For those who don’t know what GitHub does, it hosts servers and a platform for programmers to share…
I noticed I was getting a few hits from the /r/anarcho_capitalism sub-reddit and stumbled on an interesting post by /u/chewingofthecud trying to compare and contrast An-caps to the alt-right. Overall it was a pretty interesting discussion. You can read it all here. This is otherwise hard to explain because according…
This is what winning looks like. Winning hard. Peter Thiel, a major backer of Neoreaction founder Curtis Yarvin’s (moldbug’s) Urbit project, gets a seat right next to Donald Trump at a tech company meeting with the president elect. See above picture. Thiel has been a supporter of Trump for some…
Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary Origins and Biological Underpinnings of Cognitive Differences between the Sexes Smart and sexy is the definitive book on sex differences in intelligence. With over 300 citations of peer reviewed scientific articles, it describes the latest science on cognitive differences in the sexes without being hampered…
Being a good Samaritan only makes sense in high trust societies. And the only societies capable of supporting that high level of trust are those composed primarily of ethnic Europeans. Asians may have this to some degree as well, although I don’t think they reach a level anywhere close to…
I just set up a new system that should result in a post being made to /r/darkenlightenment each day that contains one or more links to Moldbug’s unqualified reservations. I made a second sub, /r/TheDailyMoldbug, which will only have these posts for more easy reference. Posts will start being made…
An article came out about cooperation between an African tribe and a type of bird called the honeyguide. The bird spots bee hives and guides the human to it, the human knocks it down, breaks it open and shares it with the bird. The tribesman and birds communicate via a…