The Nietzche Club

The Nietzche Club

The Nietzche club posted over at /r/darkenlightenment is requesting for London based students at University College London to contact them and join the club. A noble goal. Though I am not eligible myself not being a student or in Britain, I figured it couldn’t hurt to give them some exposure. So here…

The Missing Links

The Missing Links

The Cathedral is a Christian sect that very cleverly adopted the camouflage of secularism so as to more easily infect (memefect?) non-Christians and non-religious institutions in addition to actual believers. This was a natural evolution of the theology given that the constitution of the United States originally sought to keep…

The Cathedral Compilation

The Cathedral Compilation

[Like this content? Consider supporting this site by purchasing a copy of the book “Smart and Sexy” the ultimate guide to cognitive differences between the sexes.] One of Mencius Moldbug’s most important insights and contributions to the Dark Enlightenment was the idea that modern secular progressivism is actually the evolutionary descendant of…

What is a Prig Prog?

What is a Prig Prog?

A prig is a person who displays or demands of others pointlessly precise conformity, fussiness about trivialities, or exaggerated propriety, especially in a self-righteous or irritating manner. Also, A self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if superior to others. Prog is an abbreviation of Progressive. Among other things, the progressive…

What is a leftoid?

What is a leftoid?

According to urban dictionary a Leftoid is: This is a derogatory term for left leaning people who have naive, unrealistic, and overly optimistic views about how the world works based on what they would like to be true rather than what is actually true in reality. How the leftoid would…