“TRust thE Sicience!!!1#” or the case of dietary Cholesterol being bad for you.

I mentioned in the previous article on vaccines (other than the death jab) causing brain injuries in children that I disliked how low-density lipoproteins are referred to as “Cholesterol.” Calling these injuries Autism is, in my opinion, similar to calling blood lipid transport “cholesterol” in that they are needlessly inaccurate…

“Meet America’s Race Czars: A Shadowy Bureaucracy Deciding Who’s ‘Black Enough’ to Get Government Perks”

“Meet America’s Race Czars: A Shadowy Bureaucracy Deciding Who’s ‘Black Enough’ to Get Government Perks”

From Revolver.news. Most Americans do not realize the full extent to which a racially based spoils system is fundamentally embedded in American economic life. They know about affirmative action in school admissions (though many mistakenly believe affirmative action is a “tiebreaker” as opposed to an enormous boost for the recipient).…