…is a pizzagate-minded analysis of this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEwL_nhhpOE That is not the only thing Katy Perry has put out that very obviously has sinister/satanic imagery. When the pizzagate story broke I…
Search Results for: pizzagate
I predicted in my last post that the unbelievable censorship initiated by google and other internet companies, which is ostensibly about the alt-right, would end up targeting pizzagate related pages…
…is more than a little truth to the pizzagate controversy. You can see an analysis of some disturbing music videos by Katy Perry here, as well as see documentaries detailing…
…or are a Christian who don’t agree with these interpretations, these pizzagate elites are cultists who have spiritual beliefs and likely take the bible seriously even if they have a…
…I am entirely comfortable that you are learning the truth. When Isaac Kappy Died in 2019, it was a pretty big deal for those who pay attention to pizzagate type…
…I recommend PrayingMedic’s youtube channel if you would like to get really in-depth analysis of the posts. My personal opinion is that it is genuine. I also won’t discuss pizzagate…
…also hand-waved away Pizzagate as a conspiracy and as I have stated previously [see also] I believe there is enough circumstantial evidence following the Podesta email leak to suspect there…
…is true that youtube has been targeting pizzagate related videos in addition to right-leaning political videos. First by demonetization and sometimes by outright deletion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dEy5H27dZU Perhaps there is more to…
The sublimely autistic people at 4chan, despite their sometimes crass humor, continue to do the world a great service by revealing the darkness among the cultural and political “elites.” Pizzagate was the…
…before pizzagate became common knowledge. He knew John Podesta was the prince of pedos all the way back in 2011. Given what is otherwise known thanks to wikileaks, there is…
Pizzagate is real. From user Mattswhatisthis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=O13G5A5w5P0 Unrelated (maybe), but I came across the post image at about the same time so I decided to include it. It is apparently…
…own, this experience might just seem like a fluke, but at this point there are just too many disturbing signs not to notice. Pizzagate is real, and very well situated…
…may be nothing, but after the revelations from pizzagate and the relative ubiquity of occult symbology in popular media, it is worth a ponder. Originally called “Bananas in Pyjamas,” but…
https://twitter.com/FBIRecordsVault/status/1187790941215584256 This is a case reminiscent of both Epstein’s first arrest, as well as other examples like Pizzagate, Franklin, Nebraska and the Detroux case in Belgium where evidence of a…
…mass action and stupidity rather than intentional conspiracy. I even included it as a major point in my description of the darkenlightenment subreddit. As a result of pizzagate primarily, and…