PCU (movie) review

PCU (movie) review

The Hestia Society has recently created an “official” forum for neoreaction and the Dark Enlightenment. One of the first forum posts asked what movies or TV shows are out there which aren’t completely drenched with progressive nonsense. As I and others have detailed, many forms of entertainment and writing are…

Cuckold Sweden

The city of Malmö, Sweden has experienced a large number of explosions this year. At least 30 with 3 hand grenade explosions in the last week. So many that they have requested for help from the national government. “I am not surprised anymore,” Erica Eliasson, a mother out with her…

Maps of Detroit

I think these images speak for themselves. Here is a crime map of Detroit, Michigan: http://spotcrime.com/mi/detroit see also http://www.detroitnews.com/article/99999999/SPECIAL01/120606001 Here is a map of the ethnic concentrations of Detroit from the 2010 census. Red is white, blue is black, and orange is Hispanic.  Source image is from wikipedia. When leftists…

Wikipedia in Action on Race

Wikipedia in Action on Race

I like to refer to Lewontin’s fallacy frequently when debating people who deny the biological basis of race. Wikipedia, while clearly not perfect, did have a reasonable article (at least for quick referral of lay-people) on the paper written by W.F. Edwards which coined “Lewontin’s fallacy.”(1) A brief overview is…