Smart and SeXy

Smart and SeXy

Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary origins and biological underpinnings of cognitive differences between the sexes. The soft cover edition is available here. If you are on a budget you can also download the E-book. You can read the review here and the counter-currents review here. This is probably the…

Schizophrenia Anecdote

Schizophrenia Anecdote

Yesterday I published an article on dissidents. I meant to put this anecdote in there somewhere as a comparison, but forgot. Even if i had, though, I think it would be too much of a digression. Basically, at one point in the article I mention how dissidents can’t get along…

Maps of Detroit

I think these images speak for themselves. Here is a crime map of Detroit, Michigan: see also Here is a map of the ethnic concentrations of Detroit from the 2010 census. Red is white, blue is black, and orange is Hispanic.  Source image is from wikipedia. When leftists…

Wikipedia in Action on Race

Wikipedia in Action on Race

I like to refer to Lewontin’s fallacy frequently when debating people who deny the biological basis of race. Wikipedia, while clearly not perfect, did have a reasonable article (at least for quick referral of lay-people) on the paper written by W.F. Edwards which coined “Lewontin’s fallacy.”(1) A brief overview is…

Hybridization Theory?

Hybridization Theory?

I recently became aware of a hybridization theory of human origins. The science news website has had two different articles on this topic (see here and here). The proponent of this theory is Dr. Gene McCarthy, a geneticist trained at the University of Georgia. In short, McCarthy hypothesizes that…